Thursday, December 29, 2011

Winter Season

Christmas is so nice.  It is so nice to have a time where we can come together with family and think about Christ and His birth.  My family spent it at my husband's parent's home.  It was wonderful, and calm, and wonderful.

I especially like that our children are too young to compare gifts.  We kept it simple.  Besides the 'big gift' above, our children were given toy brooms, puzzles, books, and jammies.
My husband always outwits me in the gift department, he is a great gift giver.  This year he gave me this book, the wonderful compilation of children's primary songs from our church.  I love it!  I love the lullabies.  I love that I have hundreds of songs that I can play on the piano, and that each one teaches lovely words to be sung in our home.  You can actually find the songs online here.

And finally, a little photo of what my son has been up to.  We came home at midnight on Christmas night and there was an old used toy barn sitting on our doorstep.  I have no idea who left it there.  All of the little doors and gates are missing, but to my son it is amazing.  I love watching him move his little tractors around and play with his little people.  
Thanks to whoever shared the love!


  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas! I'm so glad:).

  2. Wow, you are so good at writing Becca!

  3. Beautiful pictures Becky! I love that one of the trike. Hope you had a good holiday ;)
    love ya



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